Friday, January 8, 2016

Going Green 101 Introduction

A city with windturbines, grass, and trees in a light bulb

Going Green?? With all the information in the news, and on the internet, everyone has to be aware that we have a pollution problem. Yea, some places have a worst pollution problem than others. But, the fact still remains that we all contribute to our pollution problem. With more people, companies, and livestock all emitting green house gases and other pollutants, we are harming our environment.

We all drink the water and breathe the air, it seems that it should be a major concern. But, at least in my part of the world, southern Alabama, most people don't seem to care. Looking at the trash along side of the highways and byways, leads me to think that. I've heard "I'm not going to be around anyway" too many times.

With all the pollution around now, Dead Spot in our oceans, feet of Toxic Mud in our bays, Heavy Metals in our water, image what it will be like in 20 generations. Yes, you won't be around, you and I will be dead. But, our families will be here. Even our children and grandchildren will have a heavy price to pay. Just look at the cancer rate now days, it is not 2% anymore it is 25%, one in four will die with some form of cancer.

Small Changes Everyone Can Do

world with wind turbines, solar panels, grass, trees, and water, surrounded by air and clouds

We all have the power to make positive changes. No matter how small the change the positive effort is worth it. If only taking your plastic bottle to a recycling center. These are easy to locate, Lowes has a recycling center locator on their site. Or just purchase a Zero Water Filter. Every little bit helps.

I read, a couple of years ago, that if every man, woman and child bought one LED light bulb, to replace one incandescent light bulb, we could shut down 10 power plants. I bought some and they were $20.00 a piece at the time. Now you can get 6 for $20.00 (just look at the widget on the side-bar)

Recently it has been stated that the average American uses 6 trees a year in paper products. Just buy some rags. And let some of your trees do what they are meant to do. Filter our water and air. Our government will one of these days let use Cannabis for paper and plastics. In the 70s I thought that it would already be happening. We have to vote right.

The effort of a single person will make a different in the span of a lifetime. The significant reduction in pollution come from your children watching and learning. They will realize that the highways are not garbage dumps. And that we need to keep this beautiful world healthy for their children.

Make permanent Changes

We also have the responsibility to let the government and businesses know that we expect them to take action. Buy what you can from companies that have plenty of living green concepts incorporated for customers to take advantage of. At the same time you need to influence your government to place laws in effect that limit the amount of pollution that can be emitted by a company as well as by individual vehicles on the roads.

If you are ready to start living green and to do your part to reduce the carbon footprints you have placed on this Earth, it is time to learn about the various ways you can do so. It is never too late to make some positive changes to your behaviors so that you can live healthier and so can everyone around you.

5 Incredible Uses for Old Light Bulbs

Published on Nov 12, 2015
Here are five ILLUMINATING ways to put your old bulbs to good use!
Huge thanks to Audible for supporting us, check them out here: for a free download!

Lights bulbs are awesome. And not just because they provide us with the ability to see in the dark… There are so many amazing ways to re-use them to make art, survival gear, even kitchen tools.

We will first show you how to properly take apart a light bulb and then we'll get into the awesome things you can do with them.

When taking the insides of a bulb out make sure to wear proper safety gloves and goggles in the event of a shatter. Always be careful when tinkering with the glass. Take your time while removing the insides as it can get a bit tricky... we definitely shattered a few making this video!

With the Holidays around the corner, you can make a unique gift out a light bulb! Pick your favorite and go to town.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my post "Going Green 101 introduction". As the title suggest there are a couple more of these going green 101. Hopefully I will see you again.
Thanks again and Y'all come back now.

Keep Smiling

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