Monday, April 22, 2013

Things to do Before You Buy Solar Panels

a yellow to do list with a yellow pencil

Here are some things to do before you buy solar panels. And a video and PDFs you might need to read and watch. To give you more bang for your buck. And some useful links.

Before you go out and spend the money for the solar panels,
pure sine wave inverter, (you have to have pure sine wave for your electronic toys) charge controller, deep cycle batteries, (without a battery back-up system, when the power goes out you will not have electricity) and all the hardware, there are some things that you should do first.

Doing these small and simple changes, will make the money you spend for your system, more cost effective. And can make a huge impact on your electric bill.

More Expensive Things to do Before You Buy Solar Panels

Expensive Solar System

On the more expensive side of the spectrum, you can take those old uninsulated windows, and replace them with double, or triple gas filled insulated windows. Yes they are expensive, but, this will be a long term investment. With electric bills running from $200 to $600 a month, we need to save every penny that we can. If the frost or snow melts off your roof without the sun hitting it, put down another layer of insulation in the attic. Make sure that your walls are insulated.

Look at the age of your appliances, (My mother up graded her central heating unit, and is now saving over a hundred a month.) if they are old, they are using to much power and should be replaced with Energy Star compliant appliances. The little yellow tag will tell you how much the appliance will cost you a year.

Less Expensive Things to do Before You Buy Solar Panels

There are a lot of small investments you can make and personal habits that you can change, that will take a big chunk out of your electric bills. Most of these will boil down to your personal habits. Instead of being in the habit of wasting electricity, you can reverse them into energy saving habits. Lets take a look at a few of these changes:

Turn Off The Juice When Not In Use

single warm white led bulb

That right just turn off the lights when you are not using them. They are consuming power. That 100 watt incandescent light bulb will use one KW of power every ten hours. Now, there is the compact florescent bulb, they use less power but have mercury in them. Mercury is one of the heavy metals that is killing this planet.

But, the LED (6 for $20) or light emitting diode, is a solid state light that last for twenty years burning 24/7 and the price is running from six to twenty dollars. I have a few you can look at on my Led page. And more options on my eStore for LED page. They should help

Turn off your computer monitor. Instead of leaving it on, put it in sleep mode, or better yet, turn the sucker off.

Close the blinds and close the heavy drapes to keep the direct sunlight out. Passive solar works even when you don't need it. This will help your air-conditioning unit.

Run your dishwasher and washing machine at night. Most utility companies charge more for power during peak hours. By finding when the lowest rates apply, you can save  money. Go solar with your dryer (a clothes line)

Insulate your hot water heater. For a few buck you can buy an installation wrap that goes around your water heater, keeping it from working so hard. You can even save more money with on-demand water heaters. I have heard about gas powered units, but haven't found one.
Related Links --

by Frost
List Price: $25.99
Price Range: $16.29

by Rheem
List Price: $508.00
Price Range: $199.99

clothes line and clothes pins

I mention going solar with your dryer. Air drying your cloths when possible will make substantial savings.

I don't think that many people use hot water to wash their cloths anymore. But, if you do, change to warm. If you use warm, change to cold.

Turn your refrigerator down. Use a thermometer to set your refrigerator temperature as close to 37 degrees and your freezer as close to 3 degrees as you can get them. Make sure that the energy saver switch is turned on.

Clean or replace all air filters when needed. When clean, the appliance works more efficiently.

Use low-flow shower heads saving hot water
Related Link --

by Niagara
Price Range: $8.07

Buy a Kill-A-Watt meter. It is a good way to determine what the big electricity wasters are. These meters measure the power used from any device that gets plugged in.
Related Link--

by P3
List Price: $59.95
Price Range: $$28.97

To get rid of phantom power lose, which is the power used for all your appliance that have a remote control. You can get the multiple plug bus bar, with an on and off switch. (Looks like a surge protector.) And shut them off.

PDFs That You Need

Array-Wiring pdf --- Shows the ways that you can wire your solar panels and battery banks.
batteries---Explains the different types and maintenance.
elec_basics--- The basics of electricity for your solar system.
controllers_regulators---Explain about the controller / regulators. You have to have them, if you don't have a back-up battery bank, when the power goes out you will not have power. There is a shut-off in the solar system to keep the repairmen alive

These are a few of the Things to do Before You Buy Solar Panels, which will give you more bang for your buck.

What To Know BEFORE Buying Solar

Published on May 26, 2015
Anyone thinking about a solar panel system for any reason should watch this 5 minute video to find out what homework they need to do before starting to shop. This is a common mistake, admittedly one I made when I first got started, that leads to wasted money and missed expectations. At the very least ask yourself these things before you ask an expert for help.

Thank you for reading my review “Things to do Before You Buy Solar Panels”. Since you are here, sit back and relax. Take your shoes off. Make yourself at home and have a look around. Thanks again and y’all come back now.

Keep Smiling

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