Monday, May 20, 2013

Tips on Becoming an Earth-Friendly Consumer

the planet earth

April is Earth Month, a time for people to stop and think about how they can do their part to help the environment.

According to Environmental Defense, a leading nonprofit organization committed to protecting the environment, the United States is ranked the No. 1 global warming polluter.

What can you do to help change that? Here are some small steps that you can take every day toward becoming a more conscious consumer:

Earth-Friendly Consumer Tips

store that sells in bulk
* Buy in bulk. It's cheaper in the long run, and you buy more of the product and less of the packaging.

* Look at the businesses you buy from. Does your coffee shop recycle? Does your rental car agency have hybrids? Businesses take note of consumers' questions; your inquiry could be the one to tip the scale and make a change.

* Make an appointment for the Earth. At participating Aveda salons, a minimum of $1 will be directed to Aveda's Earth Month partners when customers make appointments for a haircut, style, massage or facial.

* Support your local farmers. Farmers' markets are where some of the healthiest and freshest food can be found. By supporting farmers in your own community, you're doing your own body good and cutting down on carbon dioxide emissions of food transportation.

plastic bottle greenhouse made by Gorthleck Primary School
* Recycle! Plastic comes from crude oil and paper comes from trees. By recycling just these two items in your household, you're helping to save two of the Earth's valuable resources and reducing your home's carbon dioxide emissions.

* Pay your bills online. It saves stamps, paper, fuel for mail transport and ultimately saves you money.

* Purchase thoughtful gifts. Aveda's limited edition Light the Way candle, for example, is made with certified organic rose geranium and helps support
organic farms in South Africa. All proceeds from the candle will go to organizations working to save threatened and endangered species.

* Think "eco-fashion." A number of designers are now using clothing materials that go beyond organic cotton, such as biodegradable fabrics and fibers made of recycled plastics.

* Spread the word. If you find a "green" product or company that you like, tell your friends. Consumers can use their collective purchasing power to spearhead change.

Amazing Eco-Friendly Technology That Will Change The World

Published on May 22, 2015
Top 10 environmentally friendly "Green" innovations and inventions that will help our planet earth create less pollution.
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With a World population of over seven billion people, a reliance on limited non-renewable resources and an environment which is getting more polluted each year, being environmentally or eco-friendly is becoming increasingly important. Every day we are bombarded with messages about air and water pollution. We are constantly reminded about our carbon footprint and the fact that global warming is slowly altering the environment we live in. From movies to politics, our relationship with the environment is a topic which is gaining importance with each passing year. Our response to this issue started slowly, but has accelerated dramatically over the past few years. If we don’t adjust our lifestyle and become more eco-friendly then we may end up destroying the very environment we live in.

Thank you for reading my post “Tips on Becoming an Earth-Friendly Consumer”. Since you are here, sit down and relax. Take your shoes off. Make yourself at home and have a look around. Stay as long as you want and come back as often as you can.
Thanks again and Y’all come back now.

Keep Smiling

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